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TLGEC Renewable Energy: Solar PV, Battery Storage & EV Charging in Kent, Sussex, Surrey, London & Surrounding Areas

£30 Million Investment: Can Your Electric Vehicle Battery Power Your Home?

It was reported on this week, that £30 million has been allocated to research and develop new technology, which will allow people to power their homes, using the battery in their electric vehicles.

The new technology is called vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and the grant has been awarded to 21 V2G projects, to carry out the exploration and trialling for the technology and the commercial applications.

As the battery technology in electric vehicles is advancing, it’s thought that we will be able to move our electricity around, and use it in the most efficient and cost effective way.

When your electric vehicle is parked and not in use, the electricity stored in the battery could be put back into your home, during peak hours when the cost of electricity is at its peak.

Then, during off-peak times, your vehicle can be charged again, ready for use.

This is another great step toward a future without Petrol or Diesel cars on our roads, which are currently polluting the atmosphere and reducing the quality of the air we breathe.

Poor air quality is one of the biggest risk factors to public health, so this new investment into finding new technologies for using clean energy is welcomed.

This particular V2G project will involve University of Oxford, Oxfordshire County Council, EDF Energy R&D UK, Arrival, EO Charging, Upside Energy, and Fleet Innovation.

Electric vehicles involved from other UK cities, will include Royal Mail Vans.

Jesse Norman, Transport Minister is quoted as saying “As the number of electric vehicles grows and their battery capabilities increase, there is a huge opportunity for them to make a significant contribution to a smart grid”.

At TLGEC, we’re committed to reducing local emissions, with our “smart grid” Solar PV, Battery Storage & Electric Vehicle charging solutions, so this is one story we’ll be keeping out eye on.

Contact us today, to discuss how we can help reduce your carbon emissions using Solar PV, Battery Storage & Electric Vehicle charging points.

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